To help you use the website and get the most from it, we have added this guide. We hope to respond to any questions and observations by adding a paragraph on this page. It doesn’t pretend to be an “FAQ” as some of the questions in here haven’t been asked at all – let alone “frequently”! But we hope it will be helpful in informing new and existing users.
The Info Team.
We love the public, thank you for asking! If you have a bit of time on your hands, some money in your pocket, and the will to come and meet some great people and see what Greytown has to offer, we’re looking forward to seeing you!
The site provides all the information you need to have a great visit to the Greytown Country MARKET. If after looking through the pages on the site you find it doesn’t answer your question, please drop us a note on our Contact form and we’ll be straight back to you.
See you there!
We want your experience as a stallholder at Greytown Country MARKET to be amazing! With that in mind we have added some tools to make it easy to manage your engagement – and to keep you coming back!
The process
Here are the simple stages we have setup:
- Apply for an account on the website.
- Book a stall for one or more events.
- Pay for your booking.
- Create your own page.
Each of these stages is explained in more detail in the following panels.
This will provide a place to store all your details. Your account is protected by your password which you will need to enter to let the system know it’s you logging on.
Use this page to apply for an account. You enter your details which then go to the Info Team for approval. Once approved, you will soon receive the following e-mails:
1. A “Validation” e-mail which confirms that you own the e-mail address you have provided. If you accidentally entered an incorrect address (it happens!), you won’t receive this e-mail. This stops malicious visitors setting up accounts in other people’s name. Please click on the link provided in the e-mail to confirm to the system that you received the mail and activate your account.
2. A “Welcome” e-mail to tell you that your details are approved and inviting you to log in to the site.
We do this so that we can sure that only bona fide stall-holders are provided with access.
We have simplified the booking process so that you can now book a stall online. In order to make a booking, you must first have an account on the website (see above).
Navigate to the booking page using the menu, or click on this link.
Here you will be guided through choosing the type of stall you need, and which events you want to attend (you can click on the button to book for all 6 markets in the season).
Once you are happy with the details, click on “Proceed to payment”. The booking will be made and the Info Team will be informed. You will then be taken to the payment page.
The Wait-list
If an event is fully-booked, we can add your details to the “wait-list”. Simply click on the button marked “Add me to the wait-list”. We will get back in touch with you if there is a cancellation and a stall becomes available.
The payment screen pops up after you have completed your booking. We keep payment separate from bookings so that you can focus on arranging your attendance at the Greytown Country MARKET separately from settling up.
We have a variety of payment methods to fit in with the way you operate.
Credit card
For maximum convenience and speed, you can pay by credit card. The payment is made immediately and you will receive a receipt by e-mail. There is a small surcharge for using the convenience of credit card which we pass on to you. We do not store your credit card details so you will need to enter those each time.
Bank Transfer
You can instruct your bank to make a transfer to our account number: 06 0689 0291994 00
We will check our bank statements and when we see your payment come in, we will mark you as “paid” and you will receive a receipt.
Cash on the day
For a limited period, we will continue to accept this form of payment. On market day we will have a list of those still owing and will visit you to collect payment. We will mark you as “paid” on a list then you will receive a receipt when we settle the accounts later.
A number of our stall-holders commented that they didn’t have (or need) their own website. So we thought it would be useful to provide a space where stall-holders could describe their products in words and pictures. This is the intent behind the stall-holder pages which are shared with the public.
As a way of saying “thank you” to stall-holders who have made their first booking, you can now set up a page for your business using this form. This facility is only available after you have made your first booking, otherwise you will see an alert similar to this:
A number of the fields on this form are marked with an asterisk(*), meaning they are “required”. If you don’t complete these fields, it isn’t possible to submit the form.
Think of a useful title for your page – often the name of your business.
The next box “About your product(s)” is your chance for you to tell visitors about what you make or do. You can type straight into the box, or prepare the text somewhere else first then copy-and-paste it in.
All stall-holder pages will include a picture and this box enables you to upload a photo to your page. If you have a photo of your stall with everything laid out, that would be great. Otherwise, any picture you have that shows off what you are selling. The picture needs to be one of the usual formats (e.g. gif, png, jpeg or jpg) and a maximum size of 2MB. Do get in touch if you have any problem with this.
We give you control over your contact details and whether or not you want the public to see them. This allows you to show your phone and e-mail address to encourage visitors to get in touch.
Finally, once you are happy with the content, click the button “Create page”. The Info Team will have a quick look at it and once they approve the page, it will be shared at “Stallholder pages“.
Over time you may want to update the picture or information displayed on your “Stall-holder page”. If you need to edit the content of your page, ensure you are logged in, navigate to your page, then click on “Edit Page” at the top of the screen. Only you and the system administrator can edit your page.
Don’t forget to click “Update” once you’ve finished your changes.
If you need to change your profile picture or other details, please go to the “Manage my account” page.
You will need to be logged in to see the page and it will open with your current details. You can then upload a new profile picture or change any of the other details.
Once you have made your changes, please click “Update” to save them.
We send out 2 types of e-mails to keep stallholders informed.
General e-mails
These contain announcements and news about the Greytown Country MARKET in general. These e-mails are only occasional and are addressed to ALL stallholders who have registered with the MARKET.
Emails about the next event
Specific notices about the next MARKET event. These notices only go out to stallholders who have booked a stall at the next event.
Opting out
If you no longer wish to receive the general e-mails, please login and change the setting on your “Manage my account” page. Scroll to the bottom of your profile and look for the “Opt-out” box.
Opting out from an e-mail
We have included an “Unsubscribe” button on the bottom of our “General” e-mails. When you click on the button, you will be taken to the website to confirm you wish to subscribe.
So that we know it’s you, we’ll ask you to login.
You can then tick the box to let us know we should remove you from our mailing list.
Remember: you can go back to your “Manage my account” page and opt back in to receive”general” e-mails at any time.
The Info Team get their very own guide in the protected area.