Stallholders are invited to register for an account on this page. An account will enable you to:

  • Login and manage your details
  • Create your own page to advertise your stall.
  • Book stalls for each market event.

Please fill in and submit the form. The Info Team will review your application and you will receive an email with your login details.


Info Team Only

Only lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed (N.B. Please do not enter an email address for your username).
Enter Password
Confirm Password
Enter Email
Confirm Email

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please attach a .jpg, .png, .gif or .mpg image up to 2MB. By attaching an image to use as your profile picture you assert that you have rights to use the image and it is not illegal, pornographic or violent in any way.

Your Products

Please pick as many as you need to describe your product.
Note that certain products (marked with “#”) MAY require a Council Permit. Read More…

Your Products *
This website will be displayed in your profile information.
This address will be displayed in your profile information.
Store my data *
Please indicate that you understand we will add you to our email list and use your information for running the market.
No announcements
You have the option to opt out of our occasional general announcements. This does not affect “event-specific” updates.